Which companies are the best Complete Landlords in the UK? Verified residents of the UK’s new build properties have been submitting reviews of their developments on HomeViews. From this, we’ve compiled this ranking of the Complete Landlords providing the very best service to their residents.
The list was featured in our HomeViews Build to Rent Resident Choice Awards 2022, which were presented at The UKAA Annual Conference on 15 November 2022.
The HomeViews’ mission is to provide verified and honest insights into what it is like to live in new build developments across the UK. Read our area guides to look at the highest-ranked developments in your preferred locations around the country.
What is a Complete Landlord?
The Complete Landlord category includes providers, operators or agents with more than 3,000 homes, that are responsible for all services in a Build to Rent development.
For a landlord to be included in the list, a number of factors were considered:
- a minimum number of verified resident reviews,
- the overall rating,
- number of developments,
- number of reviews,
- and the percentage of tenants who would recommend them to their friends or family.
Top 5 Complete Landlords in the UK
Please note that this list is of 16 October 2022, when judgements were made for HomeViews Build to Rent Resident Choice Awards 2022. Rankings are based on a minimum number of reviews submitted between 16 October 2021 and 16 October 2022. With thousands of reviews being added each month, live scores will vary.
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HomeViews provides verified resident reviews of the UK’s housing developments. We’re working with developers, house builders, operators, housing associations and the Government to recognise high performers and help improve standards in the built environment.
Join us at the 2025 Resident Choice Awards
HomeViews’ Resident Choice Awards return on 13th February 2025. Take your seat among the UK’s most outstanding and innovative BTR developers to celebrate the very best Build to Rent operators, developments and teams, including new categories for Build to Sell and Shared Ownership brands.
As always, the awards will be based solely on the experiences of those who matter most: the residents. No entry forms, no judging panels and no sponsorship requirements – just verified resident reviews on HomeViews.