Hadley Property Group is a privately-owned residential led mixed-use regeneration specialist operating in Greater London and other major UK cities. Proactive and in-depth consultation with local stakeholders and communities is a core part of Hadley’s company ethos, and the company has recently started using HomeViews Pro Data Dashboard to widen its understanding of resident and community experience, tracking real trends and preferences through feedback from the communities it develops in.
Hadley’s land, design and delivery teams now actively engage with HomeViews Pro to source resident feedback that is used to inform design and masterplanning decisions for new developments. Below is just one example of how the team were able to make considerable improvements to their proposals when planning the IQL North development in Stratford.

The Challenge
International Quarter London (IQL) North is a 3.18-acre mixed-use neighbourhood development on the eastern edge of the Olympic Park in Stratford. The site includes 900+ student beds and 700+ residential units, as well as new commercial spaces and public realm.
Hadley conducted extensive engagement with the local community, including three rounds of in-person and online consultation. Each round of consultation yielded valuable information into the needs of the local community, with several active residents forming a community steering group the developers could meet and discuss design proposals with.
Despite successful engagement, there was an ongoing acknowledgement that engagement with those who are vocal in the local community is not necessarily a representation of the community as a whole. A number of locals won’t engage with consultation events due to time constraints, other commitments or an inability to engage in a prescriptive way.

The Solution
Hadley Property Group has started using HomeViews Pro to unlock a new element to its planning process. Through the platform’s real-time data analysis from local residents who might be less vocal in the community, they were able to swiftly identify and address crucial design considerations, ensuring the development aligns with the needs and desires of the area as a whole.
Resident feedback via HomeViews Pro revealed that a common issue experienced in local new build developments was around refuse collection, mentioned in a staggering 12% of reviews in the borough. The dashboard also outlined trends with overheating issues, poor estate management and low occupancy in nearby retail units.
By identifying these issues at the early design stages, Hadley was able to act diligently in the development of designs to prevent the same issues occurring again. Thorough efforts were made to design a passive solution to overheating, finding a sustainable and reliable solution to the identified risks. In response to poor occupancy of retail units, the team engaged with pedestrian flow specialists, who were able to identify the best positions for retail spaces within the project to provide a commercially attractive space for potential tenants.

Finally, the team were keen to work against any risks with estate management and poor refuse collection, and have actively engaged with estate management professionals from an early stage, designing their back-of-house spaces to cater in a practical, functional and reliable way.

The Result
The HomeViews Pro Data Dashboard has proven instrumental in pinpointing critical issues, such as challenges with refuse collection or overheating, that directly affect the quality of life of residents. By responding swiftly to such insights, Hadley Property Group continues to demonstrate its commitment to delivering developments that prioritise resident satisfaction and community wellbeing.
“HomeViews Pro has provided us with invaluable insights into the lived experiences of residents in the areas which we develop. The ability to quickly identify trends and preferences has allowed us to make informed decisions, which we hope will positively impact the resident experience and local community in our forthcoming proposals.”
– Hadley Group Representative

Discover how HomeViews Pro helps you plan, fund and design better buildings – contact our Co-founder and CEO Rory Cramer at rory@homeviews.com