In this excerpt from the 2023 HomeViews Build to Rent Report, we find out which facilities Build to Rent residents value the most. Illustrating the kind of data analysis possible with the new HomeViews Pro data dashboard, we look at at the facilities offered by the highest- and lowest-rated BTR developments in the UK by Facilities rating.
Filtering our data in HomeViews Pro
For this assessment, HomeViews Pro is first used to identify the 10 highest- and lowest-rated Build to Rent developments in the UK. The time period was set to the 2023 BTR Report sample period (Nov 16th 2021 – Nov 16th 2022).
The results of this search can then be used to identify the facilities advertised by those developments. HomeViews data includes information on all facilities advertised by at least five developments in our database, therefore including all the most common building features on offer.
See the results below:

Mapped against each other, we clearly see the four facilities offered by all ten of the highest-rated schemes: gym, pet-friendly, concierge and events. Security features were advertised by half of the top-rated buildings, but only one of the lowest-rated advertised this facility.
Further analysis

HomeViews Pro lets you drill down further into our reviews and ratings:
- Run this analysis for a specific city or region, or only include developments of a certain unit size
- Filter developments by price bands, identifying facilities offered at different price points
- Compare specific facilities offered with other ratings categories, such as Design or Value, to find correlations
More about HomeViews Pro
HomeViews provides verified resident reviews of the UK’s housing developments. We’re working with developers, house builders, operators, housing associations and the Government to recognise high performers and help improve standards in the built environment.