HomeViews review data consistently shows the strong correlation between property Management and Customer Service ratings given by residents. As part of our 2022 Build to Rent Report released last month, we compared ratings for BTR developments that use Yardi software and those that don’t. The results were clear: using the right property management tools can reap substantial rewards when it comes to resident satisfaction.
Looking at the highest-rated BTR developments in this year’s HomeViews Build to Rent Report, there was one factor that marked out the very best buildings: a seamless, frictionless experience for residents – including efficient processes and communication for customer service.
Key to success
Resident reviews from the best performing developments frequently mentioned the timeliness and quality of the experience – from booking a viewing, signing a contract, arranging the move in and once living in the development, booking or accessing services.
Yardi provides a unified solution that integrates property management with resident focused services, including a branded app used by a number of the developments on HomeViews. They invited us to compare the scores of developments that used their solution with the rest of our review sample for the 2022 Build to Rent Report.
See results below:

We found over 617 resident reviews from developments using Yardi software solutions. As the graph shows, Yardi developments were rated higher by residents on every HomeViews review category than developments not using the software.
Of particular relevance were the high Management, Customer Service, Repairs and Maintenance and Additional Services scores. Fast response times from management, issues resolved quickly and great communication are referenced frequently in these high-scoring developments.
“The key to delivering a first-class service lies within the level of integration and alignment of technology with evolving market needs”
Justin Harley, Regional Director, Yardi
Justin Harley, Regional Director, Yardi
“Technology is the backbone of any modern, forward-looking build to rent development. The key to unlocking customer experience and delivering a first-class service lies within the level of integration and alignment of technology with evolving market needs. We are delighted to see BTR developments using Yardi’s software solution build meaningful engagement and highly sustained quality of service across the board. By reimagining the customer journey, the BTR market can keep innovating and delivering an exceptional resident experience.”
Resident reviews for developments using Yardi:
Emails are picked up quickly and responses are given in a timely manner. The property management team are also just a phone call away which is helpful. Great use of an app system to deal with maintenance requests.
Fi, Verified resident on HomeViews, East Village by Get Living, Aug 2021
The Get Living app is amazing and allows you to report any problems on there, in general – calls are logged and sorted within a week at very max, we had a new fridge delivered within a day after our previous was faulty!
Louis M, Verified resident on HomeViews, East Village by Get Living, Aug 2021
Alex, in particular has been excellent trying to help find an available unit for us. She responds very quickly and on time. The entire check in process has been smooth. The gym has beautiful views. We love the booking concierge app which makes it easy to book spaces.
Verified Resident on HomeViews, Sailmakers by Greystar, Sept 2021
Michael Howard, Owner and Managing Director of Urbanbubble, on Yardi Solutions:

Hannah Marsh, HomeViews Co-founder
BTR developments are the highest scoring category of developments on HomeViews. For developments using Yardi software to be scoring so much above average across every data point in such a competitive market is a significant achievement. This data, supported by resident reviews, clearly demonstrates a consistent trend of high performance for developments using Yardi.

HomeViews provides verified resident reviews of the UK’s housing developments. We’re working with developers, house builders, operators, housing associations and the Government to recognise high performers and help improve standards in the built environment.