No. of developments: 1
- Development locations: West London
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Developments by WestCity
Viewing 1-1 out of 1

West End Quay, W2
(16 reviews)
Ranked 3rd out of 33 in Borough of Westminster
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See how residents rate developments by WestCity
This all-time rating combines the reviewers score for Experience, Value, Location, Facilities, Management and Design as well as the age and verification status of the review.
Developments by WestCity
Viewing 1-5 out of 16
Anonymous (Owner)
Verified Resident
West End Quay, W2
Sept 2019
Amazing water view
Anonymous (Owner)
Verified Resident
West End Quay, W2
Sept 2019
Please tell us about the good and bad aspects of living in your local area:
We like it is very central, and only 10 minutes away from marble arch. To be fair one of the reasons why we chose to live here was the location. Transport is fine. The area has become very busy now. There is a lot of traffic. We got a lot of shops, restaurants, cafes, etc, nearby which is good. There is a lot of life. It is not 100% safe, but it is not bad for such a busy area. An issue is there are some gangs from an estate down the road. And also some Romanian beggers hang around Tesco. The bar next to us is quite noisy. It is just that the area has changed a lot in the last 10 years.
Please share one thing (or more) which you wish you had known before you moved in:
I wish I had known about how over time the area would change, as there is a different atmosfere and there used to be more wildlife.
Please share one thing (or more) which you would change about your development:
It is all very high spec in the building. I think it is just that the area has changed quite a lot since 2003 when we moved in.
Leonard (Tenant)
Verified Resident
West End Quay, W2
Sept 2019
Lovely facilities and convenient location
Leonard (Tenant)
Verified Resident
West End Quay, W2
Sept 2019
Please tell us about the good and bad aspects of living in your local area:
The location is quite good and convenient, the area is really well connected. I am a uni student in the University of Westminster and it takes me only 8 minutes to walk to there.
Please share one thing (or more) which you wish you had known before you moved in:
I wish I had known about the hospital opposite the development. I see old people, who can barely walk and this makes me feel depressed.
What is the best feature of your home:
It is quite quiet for zone 1 and I have light sleep so the location does it for me!
Anonymous (Tenant)
Verified Resident
West End Quay, W2
Sept 2019
Awesome location and good value for money
Anonymous (Tenant)
Verified Resident
West End Quay, W2
Sept 2019
Please tell us about the good and bad aspects of living in your local area:
There are many supermarkets around. I particularly do my grocery shopping at Tesco. It is just around the corner and it is open 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Please share one thing (or more) which you wish you had known before you moved in:
The agent was very straightforward. The complete information was provided to me.
Please share one thing (or more) which you would change about your development:
I wish that the sink in the bathroom was bigger. As it is now, it is too small.
Anonymous (Tenant)
Verified Resident
West End Quay, W2
Sept 2019
Great location
Anonymous (Tenant)
Verified Resident
West End Quay, W2
Sept 2019
Please tell us about the good and bad aspects of living in your local area:
There are great shops around, and dining options are very good. The location is so central it is very good travel to get anywhere. The only bad thing is it is very noisy. I can even hear stuff from the 10th floor. A good thing is it is very safe.
How has the building management responded to any problems or issues you have raised:
I have never had an issue. The concierge and agency helped a lot everytime I needed help with something.
Please share one thing (or more) which you wish you had known before you moved in:
I knew everything before I moved in so there were no surprises.
Anon (Tenant)
West End Quay, W2
Sept 2019
Modern and spacious
Anon (Tenant)
West End Quay, W2
Sept 2019
Please tell us about the good and bad aspects of living in your local area:
Transport is really good in the area. Everything is very accessible. There are also lots of stores and restaurants around. Its such a good area. It feels very safe as well and it is nice and quiet despite been so central.
Please share one thing (or more) which you wish you had known before you moved in:
Everything was pretty much what we expected. The agency was great.
What is the best feature of your home:
The living room is so spacious which is really nice.
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