Charles Church
Persimmon Homes
Harlow Hill Grange, HG3
73.86Ranked 8th out of 14 in North Yorkshire
By Charles Church & Persimmon Homes
Charles Church
Persimmon Homes
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7 total reviews
This all-time rating combines the reviewers score for Experience, Value, Location, Facilities, Management and Design as well as the age and verification status of the review.
Viewing 1-5 out of 7
Emma L (Tenant)
Verified Resident
Harlow Hill Grange, HG3
Dec 2022
So far I don’t believe I’ve had any issues at all
Emma L (Tenant)
Verified Resident
Harlow Hill Grange, HG3
Dec 2022
Please tell us about the good and bad aspects of living in your local area:
A lovely quiet residential area to live. There is shops locally, 15 minute walk maybe or 5 mins in the car. Lovely surrounding areas and plenty of areas for dog walking with great access to other areas. Very little traffic noise as it’s the type of location that you only need to come onto if you live on here. Bin and recycling collections frequent and consistent. I think the only thing I would like to see is a more frequent bus route and maybe a bus stop that is closer to the estate as the current one is a good 15 minute walk away and they are very irregular.
How has the building management responded to any problems or issues you have raised:
I haven’t had to raise any issues at present so unable to comment.
Please share one thing (or more) which you wish you had known before you moved in:
I wish when I had moved in I had realised that the public transport was not as nearby as I had hoped or as frequent.
Harrogate456 (Owner)
Verified Resident
Harlow Hill Grange, HG3
Jul 2021
Very slow progress
Harrogate456 (Owner)
Verified Resident
Harlow Hill Grange, HG3
Jul 2021
Please tell us about the good and bad aspects of living in your local area:
The area is quite rural and quiet, but is soon to be surrounded by further developments. We can walk into the town centre and there are shops and a park within a walking distance too.
How has the building management responded to any problems or issues you have raised:
Yes, they have mostly responded but the timeframe for solution is terrible, and often ‘fixing’ has caused more problems! Terrible finished and cheap fixes
Please share one thing (or more) which you wish you had known before you moved in:
The quality of the workmanship - we were sold this house as a better quality finish than those of just Persimmon - this was their quality brand, but i fail to see a difference and totally regret our move.
Leah c (Tenant)
Verified Resident
Harlow Hill Grange, HG3
Jul 2021
Good property!
Leah c (Tenant)
Verified Resident
Harlow Hill Grange, HG3
Jul 2021
Please tell us about the good and bad aspects of living in your local area:
Very good apart from I don't drive, but still easy enough to go to the shops. Bad aspect is you when you need to go to town on the bus the bus stop is a while away
Please share one thing (or more) which you wish you had known before you moved in:
Sense of transport
Sophie M (Shared Owner)
Verified Resident
Harlow Hill Grange, HG3
Jul 2021
Sophie M (Shared Owner)
Verified Resident
Harlow Hill Grange, HG3
Jul 2021
Please tell us about the good and bad aspects of living in your local area:
We feel very lucky to live where we are on the development. It has allowed us to get onto the property ladder while still staying in our home town. We are close by to shops, local pubs, nice walks. But not too close! Parking is fine as we have our own drive. No antisocial behaviour or traffic noise.
Please share one thing (or more) which you wish you had known before you moved in:
I wish I had known before we moved in, that we were about to enter a global pandemic.
Please share one thing (or more) which you would change about your development:
I wouldn't want to change anything about our house as we are happy with the way it is.
Mlodyone52 (Shared Owner)
Verified Resident
Harlow Hill Grange, HG3
Jul 2021
Mlodyone52 (Shared Owner)
Verified Resident
Harlow Hill Grange, HG3
Jul 2021
Please tell us about the good and bad aspects of living in your local area:
Good: Location, all rooms size, back garden Bad: no porch, long time to fix issues
Please share one thing (or more) which you wish you had known before you moved in:
Garden not very level
What is the best feature of your home:
Bedrooms size and location. Family 2+3 have plenty of space.
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These reviews are the subjective opinion of a HomeViews user and not of HomeViews
Harlow Hill Grange, HG3
Ranked 8th out of 14 in North Yorkshire